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Elevate your vitality with this beautiful Black Hills Wild blend "UPLIFT". A powerhouse blend for the endocrine system and allowing us to enjoy the small and big things in life. 


St. Johns Wort  is mostly known for it's ability to encourage a pleasant mood.  Can be supportive of depression and supporting chemical balances by targeting and redistributing neurotransmitters such as GABA and glutamate. Just working with the neurotransmitters can also promote a better nights sleep. This also plays a role in PMS,PMDD, and menopause positively influencing physical and behavioral systems. In connection with the Sun and Saturn supporting the illumination of our own authentic rhythm. The solar plexus and heart chakra are inspired to follow the beat of our own heart with joy. *wild (not to be taken with SSRI's)


Holy Basil (Tulsi)is a natural adaptogen and works to support our cognitive function. It boosts anti-stress agents to the brain alongside antioxidants to support oxidative health (cellular). These agents can help reduce stress, anxiety, mild depression, and support better sleep after having a more regulated nervous system. A great plant for all ranges cardiovascular and digestive health as well. Connected to the planet Mercury helping process, ground, and stabilize the constent flow of information coming in and out to help us express what is our truth. Throat and crown chakra connection allowing the channel to be open to give and recieve. *organic


Licorice Root enhances the synergy between different herbs harmoniously.  It supports our immune functions especially the respiratory and digestive systems. A rejuvenating plant especially in work with the other plants to bolster vitality. Supportive of both male and female hormonal imbalances working with breaking down cortisol levels. Connections to Mercury and Jupiter of expanding our capacity to process and enjoy our lifes path. Works with the Throat and Third Eye chakras encouraging intuitive generousity. *organic


Quartz is a key componet to vitality and life. Enhancing, magnifying and illuminating the truth of our own brillance and interconnectedness. This stone works with tonifying and enhancing the blood, this includes vessels, lymphatic movement, cardiovascular connections. Improves our own electromagentic frequency amplifying our own imprint on the planet. *wild



Heat your water, 180 is recommended. Add 1 tbsp of tea to your tea strainer or bag. Add your stone to the cup with tea. Pour over hot water and steep for 2-5 minutes. Take a deep breath and enjoy.


Grab a quart jar add half of your jar of tea and your stone. Fill the quart jar with water, and seal. Set in the sun for 2-4 hours. Strain. Pour over ice and enjoy.


  • All blended together with love.
  • Use this as a tea or a bath blend. 
  • 1 TBSP per use = 20 Uses
  • Packaged in a glass reusable UV Safe Jar (ensuring freshness up to 1 year.)


Processed by humans 

Not made in or packaged in a commercial kitchen

Not approved by the FDA

Will bring JOY


UPLIFT Tea Blend

  • 16 to 20g Wildcrafted in the Black Hills